
Coming Soon

We are Areopagus Civic Centre (CIC 14665069), a community interest company operating within the hard-to-reach French speaking black African community in the northwest of England (mainly Greater Manchester). Our main vision is to help the Black African French speaking community to integrate and settle in the UK.

    AAbout Us

    We are Areopagus Civic Centre (CIC 14665069), a community interest company operating within the hard-to-reach French speaking black African community in the northwest of England (mainly Greater Manchester). Our main vision is to help the Black African French speaking community to integrate and settle in the UK.

    CContact Info

    We are Areopagus Civic Centre (CIC 14665069), a community interest company operating within the hard-to-reach French speaking black African community in the northwest of England (mainly Greater Manchester). Our main vision is to help the Black African French speaking community to integrate and settle in the UK.

    : +44 7903 868238
    : 1a Bowes Street , Manchester , M14 4UZ, England